Thursday, February 4, 2016


I'm officially less than 2.5 hours away from having 28 years of the goodness we call life under my belt and here I am...blogging and doing laundry. Honestly, I'm reallyyyyy good with that. REALLY. Something about this birthday called for solitude and I've decided to gift myself plenty of it this year. I'll spend some time with some friends but a lot of my time will be spent with me. That being said, I'm sure a few people think I've caught an attitude but I've really just caught sinusitis and still only missed 3 hours of work so I could not be high off promethazine when I got there. And I just want to be alone. I'm finally in a place where I feel like I have options and not blatantly frustrated with my progress or lack there of. I feel like I'm always searching for peace in a storm or, the silver lining on a dark cloud, or the sun itself and I think I can finally see and feel all three. I'm proud of myself for finding the joy in the pain. And meaning it. Cliche? Maybe. True? Definitely.

Peace is a gift. Happy birthday to me!!

...dig and be dug...