Somewhere down the line, my fellow, more accomplished journalists allowed watered down less than news worthy stories to not only make the news, but to make headlines. Even on the snapshot below, the ticker on the bottom is about Ev and Ocho...honestly CNN should not have them on their radar at all. How laughable is it that in the middle of a heated political debate, on CNN, Ev and Ocho creep across the screen?! I expect to know of them and their story, my homegirls, people in the "bar-bah" shop and salon can discuss them, people on my job...fine. However, CNN need not bring them up in discussion or give their nonsense any type of recognition.
But as usual, I digress.
As I was saying, most news stories today have more fluff than cotton candy. In my humble opinion, it seems like most journalists aren't doing too much homework. I wonder how many journalists, could do what Soledad O'Brien did with John Sununu? More specifically, how many female journalists are hard hitting enough to stand up to politicians like Sununu? I'm not talking about my loves Rachel Maddow, Gwen Ifill, or Mrs. O'Brien. They have proven their ability to take down heavy hitters. But how many female anchors could be thrown in the lion's den and come out with all of their appendages?
Recently, Soledad O'Brien interviewed John Sununu, former Governor of New Hampshire and chief of staff for George W. Bush. The topic of debate was the imploding similarities, disparities, and fallacies among the plans for Medicare between Obama, Ryan, and Romney. (Hit the link for the debate.)
Besides me being simply sick and tired of the Republican Party in its entirety, one thing that annoys me the most is their overall tactics for winning debates. Which seems to be turning them into arguments and that seems to mean yelling the same thing repeatedly, like Sununu so eloquently exemplified in the link above.
Most Republican pundits, representatives, political leaders and so on, go into every debate with what seems like a chip on their shoulder. Like they're walking around with something to prove, for example, their intelligence.
With former President G.W. Bush still lingering in the rear view mirror, his antics still fresh on America's psyche, and the reoccurring nightmare that is Sara Palin ever fresh in our memory. Maybe they do.
The Republican/Tea/Conservative Party is out for blood. Whether that blood is represented by voting rights, women's rights, respect President Obama as PRESIDENT, or the right to demand equality, they're coming to get it.
Now before I begin to digress and go down the list of frustrations I have with the party, especially the control they believe the government should have over a woman's womb, I'll get back to the point.
As a journalist, it is our job the convey THE truth. Not our truths or our grandmother's truth, or the sugar coated truth. Get to the point. Under the make-up, and the hair, and the racially ambiguous features, women journalists owe it to themselves and all journalists coming behind them to take the opportunity to assert themselves intelligently and make the person being debated be responsible for their words and actions.
There's power in a pen. Even when the nails on the hand holding it are manicured.
dig and be dug...