Friday, August 10, 2012

We want Prenups?!

It has occurred to me that there is an overwhelming amount of people that I know, personally, who are not only in love...but they're married. Married. As in contractually obligated to go halfsies on life with another person. FOREVER.
But since my cousin Andre aka 3000 made the valid point that forever never seems that long until you're grown, it makes me wonder, are people thinking about all of the what ifs? Like...what if this doesn't work? And being that most of the people I know either didn't go to college or just graduated from college within that last two or three they have enough money for 'just in case' papers? You know... prenuptial agreements...
Listen, as a woman/hopeless/hopeful romantic/firm believer in til death do us part, I do not want to ever have to consider divorce as an option, which means I also don't believe prenups are mandatory for every marriage. However, I do understand that a thug changes and love changes. People grow up and apart and what worked all those years ago, just doesn't work anymore.
I think the main reason I have a bone to pick with prenups and the men that demand them, is the vast assumption that the woman you are with is coming to the table with nothing to offer and only wants you for the money you've worked so hard to earn.
Are there gold digging women out there that will fight to win a mans affection and attention only to take parts of his bank account and social status? Absolutely. But I told y'all last month about those trying to "hold it down" with nothing but big butts and smiles. And if you get trapped with/by one of them...better luck next time playa.
However, there are members of the human female species who work just as hard as their male counterparts and aren't out to get your money. Some women just want to, dare I say, love you and all of what that entails. If your issue is you've been burned in the past, whether literally (wrap it up) or figuratively and you're a man scorned who can't really trust women anyway because of some deep rooted issues, then maybe marriage shouldn't be in your vocabulary just yet. If this is you, then that's fine! Some women are just as scorned, no one is out here judging you. Not until you assume that just because someone was born with a vagina and ovaries they are not to be trusted and therefore don't deserve respect or the time of day.
You know how you hate when girls say "all men are dogs", and "I hate men", and "men ain't sh*t"? Well it's a two way street. Shut up. You sound sad, scared, and lonely just like the angry women you complain about.
But I digress. Prenuptial agreements, right? Right. I say all that to say, if you shop in a store of quality, that's what you'll get. You can't go to Payless looking for Louboutins. You may get the look alike but they will fall apart once you ask them to do something they weren't designed for. If you're a man of standard, look for a woman of standard. If you're a woman of standard, look for a man of standard. If you do fall in love some day with the woman or man of your dreams and you both decide to sign a prenup, do it because you want to protect each other, not because you don't trust the person you're marrying. I've always felt like it's important to match your hustle. People always show you who they really are if you give them enough time and space to do so.
Basically, in my unmarried, single, yet to fall in love opinion, it's all in the reasoning.

dig and be dug...

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